In the world of today, the true and fake believers of Christ are hard to spot. If you go into a church, you will find everyone quoting verses with ease and pure confidence, and deservingly so. We want to know God.

Before we get ahead of ourselves, we should go back to the main point, the Fake Man of God. In the past, the church was a place of repentance, community, and growth. A place where the strong and weak can meet. Where the perfect and not so much can worship together. Yet today we face different realities.

Not to say the problem in the church only comes with the fake man of God. Anyone who has grown up in the church will tell you there have always been politics. There have always been those fighting for the lead pastor position or the worshipper of the year. Lest we forget the separation based on class. Where in a church you can clearly tell which section is full of the poor vs the rich. The attention the rich “VIP” will get compared to the one who does not have a car. Church politics.

Politics aside, the rise of the man of God does not make things any better. Growing up, it always seemed like church leaders or pastors were anointed and specially chosen. You had to be called to become a youth pastor. One day we woke up and church leaders were being pumped out of a pipe every other week. Today anyone can start a church and claim to be the special one to whom God speaks. The one who prays better than anyone else, the "savior".  Today some men of God are involved in criminal activity.

The fake man of God also relies on being a prophetic star and using that against those seeking God. Then you find out they have slept with multiple church members. Again, do not get me wrong. We are all humans, and no human is without sin. What I do not agree with is using the name of God for personal glory.

Of course, I am not a Man of God and these are just my personal opinions from what I have observed. There is a lot I could say but you do not need to eat an entire elephant in a day.